Saturday, January 23, 2010

A Message From Odysseus


What's good family, friends, acquaintances and enemies. How are you living? How was everybody's week? Mine went smoother than expected. Put in some good hours at work, did some meaningful work at that. As some of you might know, I intern at Complex Magazine. I began interning at the fashion department in September of 2009 but have moved to the advertising/marketing department this year. I did this because Marketing is what I eventually want to get into as a career path. It is also what I want to do for my Masters degree, which I will talk about in a minute.

Back to Complex. So I was at the office on Friday and halfway through the day, I was called in to the Managing Director's office. Met the guy, he's really cool. Not as old as I expected either. I will withhold his name, I don't want to cross any professional boundaries. Anyway, I helped him add up some numbers and figures for the advertising that will be paying for ad space in our next February/March issue coming out next month. It was some pretty exciting stuff because I have never had to do anything like that before. After that was complete, he called me back in to help him gather some checks and to mail them out to various people and companies. During that time, we chatted. I told him about myself and what I want to do as a career and he told me about his life. Let me say this; for a 40 year old, his experience in the Magazine industry is THROUGH THE ROOF. Great looking resume.

Anyway, I was just excited to be engaging this man, picking his brain a little bit. That was probably one of my most exciting days of this new year. It was very inspiring. I can't WAIT to get back to the office on Monday.

More good news happened this week. As I mentioned above, I want to get into Grad school in September of this year to do an MBA. To get into an MBA program in the United States, one needs to take the GMAT test. It's like the SATs but for Business Schools. Anywho, the GMAT is not an easy test and studying for it (alone at least) can be a little daunting. Long story short, I've found a study buddy. A friend of mine also wants to take the GMAT and is going through the the same slow procrastination that I'm going through. So we've decided to meet every Saturday or every other Saturday at a public library or Barnes & Noble for some intense studying. It will be more of a morale booster than anything. I'm looking forward to that.

Well folks, this message has been a little longer than I expected, but I just wanted to share these thoughts with ya'll. Give you a "Behind The Scenes" look into my life. I hope it was a good read. I just fixed myself a drink. I need to unwind. Cheers to positive energy! Until next week, let's not slow down. Time is our only enemy.


- Dru (Odysseus).



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