Sunday, January 17, 2010

A Message From Odysseus


What's good Martians and Earthlings. So my boy Losi and I have decided to have a weekly post on each other's blogs. Nothing major, just a and update on how we're doing or what we're doing. It's all about showing each other support on everything we do.

With that said, I don't know what the fuck to talk about! LOL. I've been home the whole day. Went out last night and got pretty wasted. I lost my ID which was not very smart. Now I don't know if I can go out tonight without one. I don't want to go out with my passport - that's never a good idea unless you really need to. I lost my bank card 2 weeks ago so I'm hoping this doesn't become a habit. Very irresponsible Dru-ey!

How was everybody's New Years? Began working on the resolutions? I hope so. Get to it! I didn't make any this year. Well, I kinda did, but my resolutions are limited to this year, they are more like life choices. For instance, as I grow older, I'm hoping to listen to people more and take their advice. I tend to be a very closed and stubborn person. I never ask for advice or help. Which at times could lead to my downfall. I think I need to listen to people's opinions more. The right people, not everybody. That would be my big resolution (in HD. Blu-Ray type shit).

Oh yeah, changing topic. I watched 'The Book Of Eli' yesterday. GREAT movie! Ya'll should check it out. It's not all action as I was expecting it to be. The message it sent was powerful. It took me until about halfway through the movie to figure out what the "book" was. Great job by whoever wrote the script.

Ok people, I gotta' run. I need to get some food and maybe have a drink. It's a holiday tomorrow so I'm taking advantage of the day off. Shout outs to Dr. Martin Luther King II!

Until next week, God bless.


- Dru.



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