Monday, February 1, 2010

A Message From Odysseus


Earthlings, how is the view from down there? LOL. I kid. I'm back with your weekly message. I had actually forgot about this today but Losi reminded me. I really have nothing MAJOR to talk about today but I'm going to keep typing until something comes up. As expected, I'm nursing a hangover, so I cracked open a beer to kill the buzz. I don't set a very good example, I know. I hope my mother doesn't read this. SMH.

Ok, Im back. I actually wrote the above paragraph last night. I'm at the office typing this. Tired as hell, hungover as hell but work is work. I went to a South African wine bar last night. Great place, I like its vibe. If you're in NYC I suggest you check it out on Sundays. It's called 'Xai Xai'. It's on 51st street and 9th avenue.

I apologize if I'm not coherent, I'm tired as a muh fucka and my day just started. It's also the first of the month which means rent and other bills are due. Your boy has to get on his tippy toes.

I'm trying to remember what I did last week. I don't think it was as eventful as the week before that. Pretty normal stuff. Mundane shit. BUT, I WILL be taping another episode for Dru York TV tonight. I was having a hard time coming up with something to talk about but I was thinking about it last night and I think I have something. I'll basically give people access to my blog. What I mean about that is if you have a talent, a craft or do anything unique, I will feature you on my blog. All you need to do is e-mail me a bio about yourself and your work and I'll put it up there. I've come to realize that I know a lot of people who are gifted or talented but the world doesn't know about them yet so I want to use my blog and social networks as a way to promote them. Pro Bono - until they become millionaires, then I will demand my cut. Hehehe. "Pro Bono," I've always wanted to use that phrase. BANG! LOL.

Ok, I need to get to work, time to open my mind up. Until later, GRIND.

Don't forget to take your daily lumps of The PricelessCreativityDRUg (Shout outs to my boy Alpha for coming up with that sick name. Get it? Sick, DRUg? Oh Lord!) It's good for you. The Surgeon General co-signed it. BANG!


- Odysseus.



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